Friday, July 2, 2010

15 Minutes 'till the weekend!

I am SO excited for the 3 day weekend! Tomorrow morning I will be shooting baby Griffin for his "one year old" photos! Babies are always so much fun to shoot. It seems there is a direct correlation between how well someone photographs and their age. The younger the model, the easier to work with ;)

Tomorrow evening, I will be shooting Sara for her "boudoir" set as a gift for her husband-to-be. I ordered special lights for the occasion, but with the holiday weekend, the shipping was delayed... so thanks to Todd Eko, I will have lighting on loan, and all is well with the world.

Earlier this week I had the privilege of shooting the Alloway family. We went to Inniswoods (aka: prettiest park ever) and had a TON of fun. They were super friendly people with a great outlook on life. Their two sons were AWESOME, and I ended up with a ton of amazing photos. Here are a couple that I really liked:

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