Monday, August 30, 2010

Holiday photo shoot ideas

Hey there everyone!

I can't believe we are into fall already! Summer certainly flew by! I am getting so excited for the shoots I have scheduled for the next couple of months. The Halloween shoot will be super fun. I plan on making a really neat and spooky scene for the kids to sit in front of. If you are signed up for the event and have any special requests, please feel free to send them my way.

As far as the Christmas shoot goes, I am tossing around a few possibilities...

My first idea would be a white background with interchangeable props that each family could choose from. I would probably get a few staggered sizes of colored tinsel trees, some various sizes of packages, and some tree bulbs. (Imagine a toddler on a white backdrop with a ton of oversized tree bulbs, aka: super cute!!!) Depending on how many are in the shoot, there are quite a few possibilities with those props. This concept would be a more modern and colorful one.

We could also do a more traditional scene with a large Christmas tree next to a fireplace. This is obviously not going to "pop" like the first idea, but would have a more wholesome, old fashioned feel.

The third idea would be a Santa’s lap option, but I think most parents will do that at the mall.

So far I have 10 people signed up for the holiday shoot, which leaves a few appointments still up for grabs. Please give me your input on the theme so I can have plenty of time to work out a fantastic scene!

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