As it turns out, photographing children is what has come to intrigue me the most. I was looking at this photo today:

And it hit me like a ton of bricks. I love capturing childhood. I LOVE IT. It helps me remember the magic that it was to be a child. Many wise people have said we spend our entire childhood wanting to be grown up, and once we grow up, all we want to do is recapture childhood. There is nothing more fleeting and precious as the joy of innocence and youth... It brings a tear to my eye. I get so much fulfillment in capturing these moments. It is something to hold on to forever... that happens in a split second. The little girl above will grow up, and surely experience joy many times throughout her life, but never will it be exactly the same joy as it was to twirl in my backyard when she was 3. The most simple things children find pure happiness in. It's something we all could use a lesson in... and hopefully I can help others catch a glimpse into the happiness that is youth.
How beautiful! The picture and what you had to say. So true. What pure, innocent hearts children have. I was just telling Lou the other day that I would rather hang out with animals and children rather than the people that we surround ourselves with. Great job capturing that moment in time where it is evident all the beauty that is.....children.